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Selwyn Undergraduate Freshers


Tutorial Office Manager

Welcome to Selwyn!

Please check the contents of this app very carefully as it contains important information about events happening in your first few days at Selwyn.
There are other important matters which also require your attention.
Please check this regularly as there may be further updates.
Miss Gina Vivian-Neal
Tutorial Office Manager and Senior Tutor's Assistant
September 2024

Welcome From The Dean

Welcome from the Dean

As Dean, I deal with disciplinary matters in College. Although we try to have as few regulations as possible, I’m sure you would appreciate that some are necessary to ensure that the College is preserved as a pleasant and rewarding environment for the benefit of the community of people who live, work, and study here, and that we treat each other with respect and courtesy.

Student Guide and Accommodation Handbook

The Student Guide and the Accommodation Handbook contain the College rules and regulations as well as lots of other useful information and may be found on the College website - please do read them. I draw your particular attention to the sections of the Student Guide/Regulations pertaining to Formal Dinners in College, and also below to some topics that arise frequently at this time of year.

Noise disturbance

Selwyn is a friendly, close-knit community, but occasionally tensions arise when people live together in close proximity, particularly where alcohol has been consumed. One such problem is excessive noise, especially at night. Anyone subjected to disturbance of this kind is encouraged to report it immediately to the Porters’ Lodge (01223 335846) - such reports are invariably passed to me as Dean and I will take appropriate disciplinary action.

Motor Vehicles

Except with special permission from the Dean and the University Motor Proctor, students are not permitted to keep a car, motorcycle or moped in Cambridge during term. Requests to keep a car are highly unlikely to be successful, other than in absolutely exceptional circumstances (primarily medical), owing to the severe shortage of parking space within College. The deadline for applications for a permit for this academic year is Friday 13 October 2023 – the relevant form is available in the Porters’ Lodge and should be returned to the Head Porter (


Bicycle thefts are unfortunately endemic in Cambridge, so please keep your bicycle locked securely whenever you leave it. In order to dissuade would-be thieves, and aid in the tracing of stolen bicycles, you must register your bicycle at the Porters’ Lodge.

Electrical Appliances

Installation and use of electrical appliances for cooking purposes in College rooms is not permitted. However, other low power consumption electrical items such as kettles, computers, or hairdryers, etc, are permitted, but all such items need to be checked by the Maintenance Department for safety prior to being used on College premises. All appliances must conform to applicable standards.

The Maintenance Department will be carrying out portable appliance testing (PAT) on Saturday, 5th October.

See the Accommodation Handbook for further details.

Public Rooms and Parties

The College has a number of public rooms, which may be booked by junior members. We have an online room/ event booking process, details of which can be found on the College website. If food is to be served you must discuss hygiene arrangements with the Catering Office (whether or not the food is prepared by College). The Dean's permission is required if you plan to hold a private party, any gathering in College of more than ten guests, or hold an event at which alcohol will be served. In the first instance please see the Catering Office to discuss the procedures.

I am always delighted to hear from, or meet, members of the Selwyn community who think I may be able to be of assistance, and can be contacted via

Professor Grant Stewart (Dean) and Dr Thomas Hopkins (Assistant Dean)
September 2024

The Dean Of Chapel

Welcome from the Dean of Chapel & Chaplain

Welcome to Selwyn from your Chaplain! The Chaplain, the Rev'd Dr Arabella Milbank Robinson is available to provide pastoral support to all students throughout their time at Selwyn, whether they are of any particular faith tradition or none. You can find out more about what the role of the Dean of Chapel & Chaplain involves at Arabella can be contacted in her room (D7 – Old Court, behind the sundial), on or on In an emergency, the Porters on 01223 335846 will know how to contact her.

Your Individual Start of Year Meeting in the first week

The College likes the Chaplain to meet all Selwyn freshers at the start of the year. These will be short, informal meetings but given everyone needs to make an appointment please ensure you book in as soon as possible at: avoiding any other compulsory meetings or sessions that have been arranged for you.

The Freshers' Service (6 October 2024)

All Freshers, of any faith or none, are also invited to the Freshers' Service, which will take place on Sunday 6 October 2024 at 17:30. This is a chance to mark the start of your time here with a short service with music from our Chapel Choir and is usually attended by the majority of first-year undergraduates. You are welcome to wear your gown to Chapel but this is customary and not compulsory!

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