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The Sports Ground is owned by Selwyn College and shares its facilities with the students of King's College. The Sportsground is situated at Fulbrooke Road.

Map showing Selwyn Sports Ground


How to find us

From Selwyn College:

Go down Grange Road to Barton Road.  Turn right.  After approximately 200 yards turn left into Granchester Road.  Take the first right into Fulbrooke Road.  At the end of the road go over the small bridge, follow the road right which leads direct to the Pavilion.

From M11/A14:

Exit at Junction 12 onto the A603 to Cambridge.  Pass the 30 mph signs and take the first right into Granchester Road.  Take the first right into Fulbrooke Road.  At the end of the road go over the small bridge, follow the road right which leads direct to the Pavilion.

From City Centre:

Follow signs to M11.  Exit onto the A603 (Barton Road).  Approximately 200 yards after passing the Hat & Feathers public house turn left into Granchester Road.  Take the first right into Fulbrooke Road.  At the end of the road go over the small bridge, follow the road right which leads direct to the Pavilion.

The Sportsground is staffed by the Keith Mills, the Head Groundsman, and his Assistant Groundsman.

During the winter the 19 acre site offers students three football pitches, one rugby pitch, one hockey pitch and a five-a-side football pitch. During the summer we offer ten grass tennis courts, one cricket square, two cricket nets, two volleyball grass courts, a rounders pitch and softball.

The Pavilion

The pavilion has four changing rooms with toilets and showers, and a referee's/umpire's room with its own shower, a large meeting room with its own kitchen and bar area.


If you would like to book a pitch for a match or practice session, you can do so via e-mail or by telephone (01223 741201). Please give a minimum of 48 hour's notice of your booking to allow for the ground to be made ready for you. Students wishing to book a pitch should follow the Procedure for Users.

Bad weather conditions In cases of bad weather, you should contact the Head Groundsman by e-mail or by telephone (01223 741201) and he will be able to confirm if your scheduled match or practice session can go ahead.

Heath and Safety at the Sportsground

First aid kits are located in both the ladies and gents toilets. A stretcher can be found on the wall under the main pavilion windows. To release the stretcher pull out the clips affixing it to the wall. Fire extinguishers are located in the main pavilion, kitchen, and also in the Head Groundsman's office on the ground floor. The fire muster point is the football pitch at the Fulbrooke Road end of the ground. All portable goals are anchored for safety. If you notice they have been removed, please inform the Head Groundsman or his Assistant.

Procedure for Users