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Admissions 2021

16 August 2021
Submitted by on 16 August 2021

Cambridge University has announced that around 72% of its incoming home undergraduates this autumn will be from state schools. This is a record number. Here at Selwyn the number is higher still, with 80% of new home students coming from the maintained sector.

This is the position at the college as the admissions round comes to an end:

We will have 121 undergraduates starting at Selwyn in October. This is our usual number, and there have been no deferrals or allocations to other colleges. It contrasts with 137 last year when we accepted a greater number of students due to a revision in A-level grades, but around 120 is our customary intake.

The students have been selected from 734 initial applications, our second highest total ever, and from many others considered via the pool system. The successful candidates average 3 A* at A-Level or 44/45 marks in the IB.

82% of the incoming students are from the UK, with the rest from overseas. We have met most of our widening participation targets, which means that the college attracts students from a wide range of backgrounds; and we will continue to work hard to make sure that Selwyn is open to everyone of high talent.

Our congratulations to all the students who will be joining us. For anyone thinking of applying in future, all the information you need is here: