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The College Cat

28 August 2014
Submitted by seladmin on 28 August 2014

The Master, Roger Mosey, has written about the College ‘cat’ in this week’s edition of the New Statesman:




An addition to my life in Cambridge in the past few months has been a basset hound called YoYo. She has proven how good an ice-breaker dogs can be: she was an instant hit with most of the students, and has the placid temperament and soulful eyes that win affection. I say ‘dog’ but that’s not how she’s officially categorised since college rules allow no animals save for the Master being allowed to keep a cat. I therefore received permission from the Selwyn College Council to acquire “a very large cat”. A visiting conference of American judges thought this was a glorious manifestation of Cambridge traditions, and for a while every time I left the house with the dog in tow I was greeted by a shout of “hey, I love your cat!” Happily, YoYo is not alone as a college dog: I believe there are two more in residence in Master’s Lodges elsewhere, with at least one more expected this October. Cats should look out: dogs are on the march in academia, even if they have to gain entry under false pretences.

The story has been picked up by The Times newspaper:


It is also featured on the BBC News website:

You can read the diary in full on the New Statesman website: