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Women in science

17 February 2021
Submitted by on 17 February 2021

Hundreds of school students from year 10 joined a Selwyn taster day for women in STEM. The term STEM covers science, technology, engineering and mathematics; and on February 17th prospective students were given a glimpse of what it’s like to undertake study in these fields at the University of Cambridge. Among the speakers were (left to right) PhD student Francesca Firth; student natural scientist Rosie Lester; and schools liaison officer Grace Glevey.   

Women in Stem

Participants were given a chance to attend subject lectures by Cambridge academics, and to learn from our admissions team about what happens at university and how to make A-Level choices. To find out more about studying at Selwyn, please click here:

Student Feedback

  • “Very helpful and has definitely helped broaden my mindset for the future-  I don't feel so drawn down one path. The lectures were also very helpful to get a taste of what the lessons could be like.”
  • “During the Q and A one of the people said that they had dyslexia and there was support at a university level for people who had it, this made me feel happier about knowing what to do when I move up to university and who I could talk to about my dyslexia.”
  • “It was great to be able to hear from students about their first- hand experiences attending Selwyn College, I am really grateful for the insight. Thank you for the experience :)”