The College will not accept gifts that:
• Compromise its status as an independent institution
• Do not help fulfil the College’s strategic aims
• Compromise the integrity of the College’s admissions processes
• Compromise the integrity of the College’s stewardship of academic performance
• Create conflicts of interest which are not fully transparent and managed appropriately
• Suppress or falsify academic research
• Limit freedom of inquiry
• Expose the College to undue adverse publicity or reputational risk
• Require unacceptable expenditure of additional College resources
• Potentially harm the College’s relationships with other donors or stakeholders, or inhibit unreasonably its ability to seek support from other donors
• Undermine the College’s vision and values
• Cost the College more than the benefit it derives from it.
The College maintains a complete separation between its development operation and its admissions team, and does not allow knowledge of donations to influence any performance management or academic decisions. If the offer of a gift to the College raises questions regarding its acceptability as a result of any of the above, discussion will take place where practicable with the prospective donor to address the problem. If such discussion is not practicable or does not resolve the matter, a report will be made to the College Council, who will decide whether or not the gift should be accepted by the College.
Any naming rights for buildings or rooms are overseen by the College Council in association with the Development Director. It is usually possible, and welcome, for donors at a suitable level to have their own name recognised by the College. Naming after any other individuals would be a decision taken by the College Council, and it is not our normal policy to name rooms or buildings after living members of the fellowship or staff, or non-members of the college.