Messianism and eschatology in early Judaism and Christianity, Early Christology and its Development in Jewish Context, Ethical Perspectives in the New Testament and Early Christianity, New Testament Greek
formerly Director of Studies in Veterinary Medicine and also Biological Anthropology, College Lecturer in Veterinary Anatomy, Tutor and Praelector and Gardens Steward.
University Position:
Professor Emeritus in Primate Biology and Conservation
University Department:
Research Interests:
Socio-ecology and conservation of primates and other wildlife in SE Asia, S Asia and Brazil; comparison of gut anatomy and diet in primates and other mammals
Fluidised bed combustion and gasification, SOx and NOx control from stationary combustion processes, fundamental hydrodynamics and imaging of fluidised systems.
Formerly Senior Tutor, Vice-Master and Director of Studies in Modern Languages
University Position:
University Department:
Research Interests:
Nineteenth- and twentieth-century French novel, especially Balzac, Gide and Céline; and the relationship between nineteenth-century literature and the visual arts
Selwyn will be hosting more big names from the world of academia, politics and media as our popular events programme for students, alumni and friends continues into 2025.
It’s a recent tradition at Selwyn that the college Christmas card is designed by students. There’s a competition open to all JCR and MCR members during the Michaelmas term after which the best entry is chosen, and it then becomes the image for the card that is sent to hundreds of people.
Selwyn’s MCR, our representative body for postgraduate students, has elected a new president. He is Jeffery Pendleton, and he will join the college’s council and governing body in 2025.
The college has formally admitted its newest Fellow Benefactor, John Bamford. The role of Fellow Benefactor was created by Selwyn in 2016 to mark exceptional philanthropy. Mr Bamford has particularly supported our school outreach activities.