One of the highlights for medical and veterinary students during their clinical years is a medically orientated vacation project or official elective period.
This Fund was initially instigated in 2009 to supply financial help for clinical medical students planning these projects usually, but not exclusively, away from Cambridge. Multiple donations were received from medical alumni after an appeal. Thanks to generous donations, capital in the fund stands at approximately £75,000 and this generates income sufficient to allow the college to make small grants to clinical students. More recently donations have led to the creation of the Steinacher Fund, which has boosted the amounts we can disburse for medical students, and the Jamie Netschert Fund, which serves a similar purpose for the vets. Our aim remains to raise further funds to provide income for years to come and to match what some other colleges can provide their students. Donations would be gratefully received. The college has also recently invested significantly in medical and veterinary teaching resources as part of the refurbishment of the Old Library.
The fund is operated through the college’s travel grants process overseen by the Senior Tutor, in cooperation with the relevant Tutors and Directors of Studies. Successful applicants submit a report of their experiences to the college and are expected to address the Selwyn College Medical and Veterinary Society about what they have done.
We would like to take this opportunity to personally thank all those generous donors who have made possible such scientific projects and medical experiences as those that are recorded below. If these seem a little dated, it is because electives went into abeyance in 2020 and 2021 due to the Covid pandemic and are only now being revived for those in their fifth year of medical studies.
If you wish to make a donation to the Medical Elective Fund, or the Jamie Netschert Fund for vets, please click here.
A selection of reports submitted by students who have undertaken electives.
Read Alex Thompson's (2014) report of his experience at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine here
Dominic Katalanos (2014) visited Malawi. Read his report here
Read Hayley Johnson's (2014) report of her placement in Borneo and Thailand here
Jiali Gao (2014) visited Botswana. Read her report here
Maria Wang (2014) visited Sydney. Read her report here
Read Simon Brackley's (2014) report of his visit to Botswana here