This page contains information to help you with your studies, so please let us know if you would like anything added to it.
Bartlam Library
If you would like help tracking down books or articles, researching a topic, or decoding a reference, feel free to contact library staff with any queries you may have. Library staff are usually available between 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday.
Faculty or Departmental Libraries
The subject librarian in your faculty or department library will also be able to help you locate relevant material and many will run information sessions tailored to different elements of your studies.
Cambridge Libraries subject guides (LibGuides)
These are guides by subject to help you find the online and print materials you need for study and research. Most also have information about referencing as recommended by your faculty or department.
Academic skills
There is an academic skills and welfare collection in the library, made up of recommendations from the Senior Tutor, the Academic Skills Tutor, Tutors, the Nurse, the JCR Committee, and other expert sources. With an “A” shelfmark on the spine, these books may be found on the lower-height bookcase on the first floor of the Bartlam Library near the Economics and Law books.
You can also find help in CamGuides, which are introductory guides for undergraduate, Master’s, and PhD students. These include information about studying at Cambridge, and about managing your time, finding and using resources, and more.
Referencing and good academic practice
Have a look at Cite Them Right, which should answer any “how do I reference….?” scenarios and gives good general information about referencing, with examples.
There’s a Cambridge Libraries guide to referencing with information for most subjects. This has been put together by the subject libraries and will have information about referencing styles where available.
Remember that you can get in touch with library staff to ask general and specific referencing questions, and that staff at your subject library will have specific knowledge of any local variations or subject-specific referencing information you may need.
Good academic practice and avoiding plagiarism: see the University’s guidance for students.