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  • Selwyn's sports day for Old Boys and Girls took place in late October, and pitted past generations against current students. There were contests in football, rugby, hockey and netball; and, as our photo from the hockey shows, the events took place in the friendliest of atmospheres.


    The Master of Selwyn, Roger Mosey, was interviewed by John Humphrys of the Today programme at an
    event in London on Tuesday October 20th. The session covered Roger’s recent book about the BBC,
    Getting Out Alive’. It took place at Hatchards bookshop in Piccadilly, and a number of Selwyn
    alumni came along. The author’s proceeds from book sales are being donated to student support at
    the College.



  • The new edition of the “Selwyn” magazine includes the latest news from the college, and items about the activities of alumni at home and abroad. Its cover story features the work of Joanne Beale (SE 2005) who is working to improve water supplies, hygiene and sanitation in Mozambique. She is there with her husband Andrew Beale (also SE 2005) who is mentoring academics and researchers in the country.

  • Selwynites played a key role in new research about the earliest example of reproduction in a complex organism. The work was led by Emily Mitchell with Charlotte Kenchington, who are both members of the College and have studied for their doctorates in Professor Nick Butterfield’s research group.

  • As another Admissions process draws to a close, Admissions Tutor (Arts and Social Sciences) Dr Mike Sewell writes about what happened at Selwyn in 2014-15:


  • Selwyn College has hosted a group of 35 high-achieving Year 12s from state schools in West Yorkshire, East Berkshire and Scotland who visited Cambridge to learn more about the university, and experience what life as a student will be like.