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6.2 Complaints


The Student Complaints Procedure exists to cater for any student grievance not covered by the College’s disciplinary procedures, its Respect and Dignity Policy, or its Fitness to Study Policy.

The Complaints Procedure can be found here.

6.2.1 Junior members

Any junior member of the College who believes they have a justifiable complaint of inappropriate behaviour and who has exhausted the informal stages envisaged in the Dignity and Respect Policy should not hesitate to discuss the matter with their Tutor, or any other Tutor or Fellow, the College Nurse or the Chaplain, or the relevant officers of the JCR or MCR.

There are certain matters that must be dealt with under one of the following processes:

  • University provision to which the University Complaint Procedures apply (;
  • Decisions made by academic bodies regarding student progression, academic assessment or awards; processes covering Respect and Dignity at Study or Fitness to Study, for which there are separate procedures;
  • Complaints relating to harassment or sexual misconduct by other students which, with the complainant’s permission, must be handled under the relevant University procedures or Selwyn’s own procedures on harassment and sexual misconduct as appropriate.

6.2.2 Senior members and Staff

This procedure shall cover complaints against Senior members of College and College staff. In the event of a complaint of harassment or sexual misconduct against a senior member of the College, this Procedure shall apply, but it is anticipated that the investigation and process shall align as closely as possible with the principles and procedures contained in the College’s policy on harassment and sexual misconduct.