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6.7.1 Smoking

The College operates a no smoking policy in all residential accommodation and office accommodation, all common indoor areas of College as well as in the gardens and all outside areas other than the designated smoking areas in Kitchen Yard and the rugby ground side of Cripps Court at the door near I and J staircases, where receptacles are provided. Smokers are expected to keep these areas tidy and to dispose of any rubbish appropriately and safely. The use of e-cigarettes/vapes is similarly prohibited. Given the proximity of these areas to residential accommodation, please ensure that any noise is kept to a reasonable minimum and lasts only for short periods of time. 

6.7.2 Drugs

If you have problems with substance abuse, please note that help and advice are available through College support networks, the University Counselling Service and beyond. The following resource is a very valuable source of advice: FRANK.

It is dangerous to take drugs except under medical direction. Under legislation dealing with dangerous drugs, the unauthorized possession of certain drugs is a criminal offence. In the interests of the College and of its individual members alike, the College will not tolerate the possession or use of any such drug within the College. Any junior member who is in unauthorized possession, or makes unauthorized use of any such drugs, or who supplies any person with such a drug, or knowingly assists him or her to obtain unauthorized possession of it, renders himself or herself liable to be sent down by the College. Whilst the College will balance disciplinary action with appropriate support for students who misuse drugs, it will take the possession of drugs or their storage on College premises very seriously as constituting a serious disciplinary offence.

The law in this area stipulates that it is an offence for “the occupier or someone concerned in the management of premises knowingly to permit or suffer on those premises” the production, attempted production, supply, attempted supply, or offering to supply “any controlled drug”. The College is obliged to report such activities to the police if it has reason to believe that such activities are taking place in College or if a student is in possession of illegal drugs that constitutes a serious criminal offence. In such cases where there is evidence of illegal substances having been used or stored on College premises the Deans, Bursar and Senior Tutor will expect the Porters to remove them for safekeeping and to inform them that they have done so.

In line with our legal obligations, the College reserves the right to search College premises, including individual student rooms, where there is reasonable suspicion that illegal activities are taking place. Such searches will be carried out by a Porter in the presence of the student and at least one of the Dean, Assistant Dean, Bursar or Senior Tutor. Should all four of these officers be absent, the Master or a Tutor may serve. If the student is not present the College still has the right to search a room, if there is reasonable suspicion that illegal activities are taking place.