4.1.1 The College Nurse and her Surgery
The College Nurse, Mrs Lucy Turnell, is an experienced Registered General Nurse and Specialist Community Public Health Nurse. She is able to advise and support with chronic disease management, mental health conditions, minor illness and injury and making healthy lifestyle choices. As a member of the College welfare team, Lucy is happy to support you with broader welfare issues, should these arise.
Lucy is primarily situated in the Christopher Dobson Building on level 2 but has a treatment room in B6.
Booking an appointment/ contact details:
Lucy works fulltime, throughout the year. Her normal hours are Monday – Friday, 9 am to 5pm. However, she has some flexibility, so if you need a later or earlier appointment, please discuss this with Lucy.
To make an appointment, please contact Lucy via email: nurse@sel.cam.ac.uk
If you need to see Lucy urgently, please contact the porters who will be able to phone her.
Out of hours support:
- All Porters are First Aid Qualified and are available 24/7.
In the case of Physical Illness or Injury
- visit the NHS website https://www.nhs.uk/ for self-help advice
- visit NHS 111 https://111.nhs.uk/ or call 111 for advice and guidance from a health care practitioner
- Pharmacists can advise on minor illness and injury. Local pharmacies and their opening hours can be found here: https://www.nhs.uk/service-search/pharmacy/find-a-pharmacy
- In an emergency, contact 999 or attend Addenbrooke's Hospital Emergency Department, Hills Road, CB2 0QQ.
Please always inform the Porters if an ambulance is called or if someone is accompanied to the hospital without an ambulance being called.
Mental Health Support
- call NHS 111 and select option 2
- Samaritans 116 123
- Nightline 01223 744444 (term time only, 7pm - 7am)
- Lifeline 0808 808 2121 (11am -11pm every day)
- Shout (text service) 85258
Cambridge University Student Support
The following services are delivered by the University of Cambridge Student Support:
- The University Counselling Service
- The Accessibility and Disability Resource Centre
- The Postgraduate Wellbeing Service
- The Harassment and Violence Support Service
- The Mental Health Advice Service
For further information on all of these services, including referral options, please visit the University of Cambridge Student Support website here: https://www.studentsupport.cam.ac.uk/
If you experience a medical emergency which requires you get to Addenbrooke's but does not justify the calling of an ambulance, the JCR/MCR will, within certain limitations, pay your taxi fare to and from the hospital. This does not apply in the case of pre-arranged appointments, or if there is other suitable transport available. (NB: The 'Universal' bus service, partly funded by the University, which runs to Addenbrooke's Hospital Bus Station, via Grange and West Roads, only costs £1 if you show your University Card.) If you wish to make a claim, you should obtain a signed receipt from the taxi driver that gives the date and time of travel and the destination and starting place. Then write your own name on the receipt and place it in the JCR Treasurer's pigeonhole.
4.1.2 Registering With a GP
All students must be registered with a local GP. There are various reasons for this, but it is principally so that immediate medical treatment or assessment is available to you if you are unwell at the time of the examinations. Registering may involve a routine medical check. You are required to register with a doctor within a fortnight of arriving in Cambridge, and you must inform the Tutorial Office of the doctor’s name. If there are particular reasons why this presents a problem in your case, you must discuss this in confidence with your Tutor without delay. When registering, you should note the surgery hours and arrangements for your general practitioner. To register with a GP, visit the practice website and complete the application process for New Patients. You will need a form of photo ID and a document with your Selwyn address on it and your college bill is a suitable piece of evidence. The nearest local GP surgeries include:
Wordsworth Grove, Newnham Tel: 01223 366811
48 Lensfield Road, Cambridge Tel: 01223 651020
56 Trumpington Street, Cambridge Tel: 01223 361611
4.1.3 Dental and eye treatment
Students wishing to register as an NHS dental patient locally can find out which practices are accepting NHS patients using the NHS search facility. On this and other related matters, see the University guidance. If you need to see and optician or optometrist urgently, the best place to start looking is the Cambridgeshire Minor Eye Conditions Service, which includes city centre practitioners.
4.1.4 First Aid
If a student is injured, they should immediately seek assistance from a First Aider or the College Nurse, if available.
Duty Porter, Porters' Lodge (3)35846
College Nurse (3)35898
A list of departmental First Aiders is displayed on departmental notice boards
A map showing the location of First Aid Kits and Automated External Defibrillators is displayed at the Porters' Lodge and on departmental notice boards
4.1.5 Sexual Health
The College is concerned to ensure that all students are aware of the risks of sexually transmitted diseases in the U.K. and how to obtain treatment, if necessary.
The local Integrated Contraception and Sexual Health (iCaSH) service is located at the Lime Tree Clinic, Brookfields Hospital, Mill Road, Cambridge. https://www.icash.nhs.uk/where-to-go/icash-cambridgeshire/lime-tree-clinic-cambridge
Please visit their website for information regarding sexually transmitted infections, contraception, to make an appointment or to order a screening kit.
In addition to your Tutor, both the Nurse and the Chaplain are available to give confidential advice on this subject, as are the JCR Welfare Officers.
4.1.6 Other Medical Services – Expeditions Abroad
The Occupational Health Service at 16 Mill Lane offers advice based on considerable experience to those going abroad during the Long Vacation on expeditions etc. It is advisable to book an appointment early in the year. Phone: (3)36594, email: occhealth@admin.cam.ac.uk