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The Porters are responsible for overseeing the College’s security policy and procedures and require the support of all members of the College community, visitors, guests and contractors to ensure the success of this policy. Access to many areas is controlled by the Porters. Doors to staircases and hostels must be kept closed, and, where possible, locked; to prevent uninvited persons entering these areas. Students are responsible for their own rooms. Unknown persons should be questioned as to their presence inside buildings or the Porters alerted to their presence. Any student who is concerned about any aspect of security, should, in the first instance, draw it to the attention of the Porters. Crimes and suspicious persons or incidents should be reported immediately to the Porters.

4.5.1 Emergency Response

The College has plans in place as to how to respond to major emergencies. In this unlikely event, the Porters and other staff will provide instructions. Please follow them immediately.

4.5.2 Personal Information

As part of the College’s security policy, it has been agreed that the Porters should not disclose students’ room numbers to visitors. Students’ private telephone numbers will also be withheld. If the Porters are in possession of a student’s private number, they are authorised to use it in order to inform the student that a visitor is asking for him or her at the Porters’ Lodge.

4.5.3 Visitors and Contractors

Any visitor or contractor on College business will either be escorted throughout the duration of their visit, or if unescorted, will be required to sign in at the Porters’ Lodge where they will be issued with an identification badge. Badges are worn at all times whilst on College premises and should be surrendered for inspection if required to do so. On leaving the College, visitors and contractors should return to the Porters’ Lodge to sign out and return their identification badges.

4.5.4 Closed Circuit Television

CCTV cameras are used in College to help safeguard the security of people and property. Cameras are positioned to capture views of the main entrances of the College. The Porters view the live pictures from time to time in order to detect any suspicious activity. The College's CCTV policy can be found in the Governance section of the College's web pages. 

Warning signs are in place at the College entrance to inform staff, students, Fellows and members of the public that surveillance cameras are in operation. Students have the right of access to information about themselves held on CCTV footage. To request access you will be asked to complete a Data Access Request Form and provide evidence of your identity. For further information, see the Data Protection section of the College’s Governance web pages.

4.5.5 Gardens

The College gardens, particularly those facing onto roads, are maintained to give some screening for occupants in their rooms, while minimising opportunities for the concealment of intruders. Principal pathways are maintained to provide a suitable surface for all users, and the College actively works to improve access. While not all paths are fully illuminated, principal routes have suitable intensity lighting to provide security to users.

In the interest of students’ safety BBQs are not permitted in hostel gardens or anywhere in the main College garden.

For more in information click here

4.5.6 Sharps and sanitary products

Sharp items which have been in bodily contact (e.g. needles used for first aid and by diabetics) must be disposed of separately from rubbish. There is a sharps bin in the bathroom opposite the Nurse's consulting room on the ground floor of B staircase. Environmental protection legislation also requires that sanitary products must be disposed of separately, and containers are provided for this purpose.

4.5.7 Weapons and dangerous substances

Firearms (including airguns, starting pistols or imitations), ammunition, knives, explosives, fireworks or inflammable substances such as petrol and chemicals may not, under any circumstances, be stored in rooms or brought onto College premises.

4.5.8 Snow and ice

Please take extra care around the Courts during wet or icy weather, as the York stone paving can become slippery. College teams work to grit routes around the College when appropriate. Please also be especially considerate of others in such conditions.