- Annual report
- Corporate and business plans
- Teaching and learning strategy
- Academic quality and standards
- External review information
- Corporate relations
- Government and regulatory reports
- The College’s compliance with its duties under the Equality Act 2010
Annual report
The College Annual Report and Accounts are published on the College website.
Reports to alumni are also published on the College website at link
Corporate and business plans
Please submit a request for any information to the Freedom of Information Officer (FOI) at foi@sel.cam.ac.uk.
Teaching and learning strategy
The Educational Provision of the Cambridge Colleges provides a descriptive account of the role of the Colleges as educational institutions in relation to individual students and to the University: https://www.seniortutors.admin.cam.ac.uk/files/coll_provision_ugs_update_aug_2016.pdf
Course content is organised by the University of Cambridge. Brief details of the subjects that may be studied by Selwyn students are available.
The College follows the admissions and selection procedures of the University of Cambridge.
Academic quality and standards
The academic assessment of students at the College is conducted through Tripos and other University of Cambridge examinations; see Student Registry website for more details. College procedures can be found in the section for information for students.
The College’s Annual Report and Accounts contains data on student results and achievement, including admissions statistics and examination statistics.
The University of Cambridge academic quality guide can be viewed here.
External review information
Please submit a request for any information to the Freedom of Information (FOI) Officer at foi@sel.cam.ac.uk.
Corporate relations
Please submit a request for any information to the Freedom of Information (FOI) Officer at foi@sel.cam.ac.uk.
Government and regulatory reports
The College publishes an annual return to the Charity Commission.
The College’s compliance with its duties under the Equality Act 2010
Please submit a request for any information to the Freedom of Information (FOI) Officer at foi@sel.cam.ac.uk.