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  • Governance of the College
  • Consultation with staff and students
  • Appointment committees and procedures

Governance of the College

Full details about the governance of the College and how the Governing Body operates are given in the governance section in the Annual Report and Accounts

A list of current Governing Body members can be found on the College websiteCurrent members of the College Council are listed here

The governing body meets 3 times a year and considers a wide range of matters connected with the running of the College.  A record of the parts of the meeting not involving sensitive information is contained in the unreserved minutes.

Unreserved minutes of College Council are also published. 

Reserved minutes of the Governing Body and College Council are not available under this publication scheme, but are subject to the Freedom of Information Act and may be released on request if the College is satisfied that no exemption under The Freedom of Information Act Part II sections 21 - 44 applies. Please see information about Making a Freedom of Information Request.

Consultation with staff and students

Students are represented on the major committees of the College including the Governing Body and the College Council. They are, however, not Trustees.

Informal non-minuted meetings are held on a regular basis between College officers, the JCR and MCR representatives.

The College’s Staff Committee provides a forum for staff to offer feedback, make suggestions and give input on the operation of the College as it pertains to them.

Appointment committees and procedures

Please see the College Statutes for procedures relating to appointment of academic staff.

Staff vacancies and academic vacancies are advertised on the College website as they arise.  Staff vacancies are also advertised on the Cambridge University website.