- Policies and procedures for conducting College business
- Procedures and policies relating to student services
- Procedures and policies relating to academic services
- Code of Conduct for members of governing bodies
- Procedures and policies relating to human resources
- Procedures and policies relating to recruitment
- Equality and diversity
- Health & safety
- Estate management
- CCTV policy
- Complaints policies
- Records management and personal data policies
- Research policy and strategy
- Charging regimes and policies
- Policies and procedures for conducting HEI business
Policies and procedures for conducting College business
Please see:
- College Statutes
- College Regulations
- College Policies
- Annual Report and Accounts
- Undergraduate Guide
- Graduate Guide
- Accommodation Handbook
Procedures and policies relating to student services
The following sections of the student guide provide links to a number of College policies and procedures relating to student support services, the management of student records, student discipline and complaints procedures:
- Rules and Disciplinary Matters
- Policies and Procedures
- Student Records and Supervision Reports
- Personal Welfare and Pastoral Support
A separate Accommodation Handbook provides details about the allocation of student rooms, utilities, kitchen facilities, furniture and decoration, cleaning regimes, fire safety, security, and maintenance and repair. It contains the procedures for raising a complaint regarding accommodation.
All College accommodation is registered with the Accreditation Network UK (ANUK) and conforms to their standards relating to residential student accommodation. For details see: ANUK / Unipol Code of Standards for Larger Residential Developments
Procedures and policies relating to academic services
Please refer to the following sections of the student guide:
- Studying at Selwyn
- Policies and procedures
- Rules and disciplinary matters
- Tutorial and academic regulations
Code of Conduct for members of governing bodies
The Code of Conduct for members of the Governing Body can be found in the College Statutes.
All College business in which a member of the Governing Body may have an interest are conducted in accordance with the College's Conflicts of Interest policy.
Procedures and policies relating to human resources
The College’s human resources policies and procedures can be found in the Staff Handbook. Please submit a request for any information to the FOI Officer at foi@sel.cam.ac.uk
Procedures and policies relating to recruitment
Please see the College Statutes for procedures relating to appointment of academic staff.
Recruitment procedures for non-academic staff are described in the Staff Handbook.
Please submit a request for any information to the Freedom of Information (FOI) Officer at foi@sel.cam.ac.uk
Staff and academic vacancies are advertised on the College website and University website as they arise.
Equality and diversity
The College is committed to equal opportunities in its recruitment of Fellows, students and staff. The College’s Equal, Diversity & Inclusion Policy is available here.
Health & safety
The College Health & Safety Policy may be found on the College website.
Estate management
Please submit a request for any information to the Freedom of Information (FOI) Officer at foi@sel.cam.ac.uk
CCTV policy
The College operates a CCTV system; the policy is available here.
Complaints policies
The Grievance Procedure for non-academic staff is given in the Staff Handbook. Please submit a request for information to the Freedom of Information (FOI) Officer at foi@sel.cam.ac.uk
The Student Complaints Policy may be found in the student guides available on the website. Complaints in relation to accommodation should use the process within the Accommodation Handbook, found in the same website location.
The College Statutes contain information on grievance and appeals procedures for academic staff.
The College's complaints procedure relating to requests for information and operating the Publication Scheme may be found here.
Records management and personal data policies
The College is registered as a Data Controller under the UK GDPR. Its registration number may be found on the website of the Information Commissioner’s Office. The College has a Data Protection Policy.
Research policy and strategy
The College is legally-autonomous body; however it exists within the federal structure of the University of Cambridge and follows the University’s Research Policy and Intellectual Property Policy.
Charging regimes and policies
Please refer to the Annual Report and Accounts for details of College income.
Specific information for students about the types of fees and charges they may incur is available in the Undergraduate Guide and Graduate Guide which are published on the College website.
Charges for conferences, functions and bed and breakfast may be found on the Conference & Events pages of the website.
Policies and procedures for conducting HEI business
Please submit a request for any information to the Freedom of Information (FOI) Officer at foi@sel.cam.ac.uk.