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Selwyn College’s bridging course

The information below was for the September 2024 bridging course. We will run a similar programme in September 2025 - details to be announced closer to the time.

We are pleased to announce an inaugural bridging course, to take place in September 2024, aimed at eligible students who might benefit from additional support in the transition to life at Cambridge. These students will have met all offer requirements and will be preparing to start their studies at Selwyn in October 2024. The bridging course is a cost-free mix of a residential programme at Selwyn (1–7 September 2024) and online support in the subsequent weeks.

Among other things, participants will have the opportunity to:

  • work one-to-one with a subject specialist to develop technical skills required for the Cambridge course upon which they are about to embark.
  • work in groups to develop general academic skills, for example getting the most out of lectures, approaching a reading list, and working in a lab.
  • meet the members of staff at Selwyn who will be key sources of support throughout their degree.


Will I be eligible?

The course is funded by the Isaac Newton Trust’s Widening Participation and Induction Fund, and aims to support students who might benefit from additional support in moving into Cambridge’s collegiate system.

In order to be eligible, you will need to have been offered a place to study at Selwyn College beginning in October 2024. Only some of those who have been offered a place at Selwyn will be invited to attend the bridging course. If you are selected, it is because the information supplied by you or your school in the UCAS application, My Cambridge application, Additional Applicant Information Form, and/or Extenuating Circumstances Form, together with our observations at interview and assessment, suggests that there has been more than average disruption to your schooling.

Being invited to attend the bridging course is not a reflection on your ability or potential – we believe that everyone who is admitted to Selwyn has the capacity to excel at Cambridge. It is simply an indication that we think you deserve extra support at the start of your course to help with the transition.

Attendance on the bridging course will not be a formal part of your offer to study at Selwyn, but we strongly encourage you to come and join us if you are invited. Financial support will be available to offset travel expenses and any lost income from summer jobs.


How will I know if I am being invited on the course?

If you are eligible to attend the course, this will be stated in your offer letter and you will also receive email correspondence from us about logistics and financial support.

If there is no mention of the bridging course in your offer letter, then no further action is necessary – you will simply join us for the start of the academic year in October. All students will then share an induction programme designed to introduce you to life at Selwyn.


Can I fail the bridging course?

No! There will be some work during the course, and you will be expected to attend academic sessions and engage, but the purpose is to give you experience of, and to help you get to grips with, the teaching style and pace of Cambridge, rather than assessing you.


If you still have questions…

…please do get in touch with us at