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If you're the kind of person who relishes the prospect of studying in an intellectually challenging environment and who's willing to put in the time and effort needed to be successful in your studies, then we believe that you'll be very much at home at Selwyn.

Our aim is to admit those students who are most likely to thrive on the kind of education offered at Cambridge. We welcome applicants from all social and educational backgrounds and are keen to admit students from schools or colleges which have little tradition of sending students to Cambridge. Academic excellence, strong commitment and the ability to do well in the intended course of study are the only criteria for admission.

We're looking for applicants who've achieved outstandingly in their academic studies so far, but equally important is the potential to go on to be successful at university level and to flourish in the Cambridge teaching system. Enthusiasm for and commitment to the subject you intend to study is very important, as is wide reading around your subject.

In assessing potential students we seek to build as complete a picture as possible of academic abilities and potential. We look carefully at each applicant’s record in examinations and admissions assessments, always in the context of the school or college at which they've studied and local/national area indices/ranks. We also pay close attention to personal statements and school references. This allows us to build up a sense of each applicant as an individual.

Overall we spend a considerable amount of time assessing each application, assessing strengths and weaknesses. The majority of applicants from UK schools and colleges who apply to Selwyn will be invited for interview. The interviews are academically searching and provide us with important additional information. However, a 'perfect' interview performance is not required as we don't select our students only by interview, it is one component part of the holistic assessment of all available information. The process is individualised and we devote considerable resources of time and effort.

League tables

We provide tailored academic and pastoral support so our students can achieve highly as they contribute to our strong, diverse and inclusive community. We have been successful in our aim of widening participation so that in the last decade the proportion of  UK-domiciled undergraduates from maintained (state) schools grew from from 70% to 80% (high values, compared to the Cambridge average). In parallel, Selwyn rose to the top of the college league table for proportion of students who attain Good Honours.


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Tests and submitted work
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