How To Use This Guide
The information provided in this part of the website constitutes Selwyn College's Student Guide. Along with its companion, the Accommodation Handbook, they aim to pull together the information you will need to know about how the University and College work and your role as a student as Selwyn. Whilst particularly useful for new students, they will remain important throughout your time at Selwyn.
Sections of the Guide cover everything from the arrangements for coming into residence for the first time through to how to arrange for graduation. Please familiarise yourself with the contents at the start of your course and bookmark it so that you can easily find information again when you need it.
At Selwyn we try to keep rules and regulations to a necessary minimum. We seek to remain as informal as possible. Fellows and staff are accommodating and helpful, especially if approached in the right way. However, any institution needs to have some rules to enable it to function smoothly, and in a community with many people living at close quarters and often working under pressure, rules help everyone to live together happily. Should rules be contravened, ignorance of the Guide's contents will not be taken as a legitimate excuse.
The Guide is organised to help you find as easily as possible the information you will need. These include how to find out about central University structures; information about student life; the way we teach and learn; welfare and support networks; financial matters; and guidance on facilities, discipline, or health and wellbeing. Students new to Selwyn should especially read carefully through the sections on ‘Your Work’ and ‘Support and Advice’.
The Guide is updated as new information becomes available or as policy changes. As a live, working document it is not static. This means that it is possible to respond if there are any errors or omissions in this guide. If so, or if you have suggestions, please contact me.
Dr Mike Sewell, Senior Tutor