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Studying at university and living away from home can be a stressful as well as a very rewarding experience. At Selwyn the general atmosphere is both supportive and caring and this goes a long way to easing any difficulties our students may come across.

InterviewDue to the relatively small size of the College – we have around 350 students – nobody gets lost in the crowd and there is a very strong sense of community. As a result, our students do a great deal to support one another: a friendly face and a sympathetic ear is never far away.

At a more formal level, each student has a Tutor, who is a Fellow of the College and whose role is to offer pastoral care, advice and assistance. Your Tutor is deliberately chosen to be someone who will not be teaching you, and so he or she is somewhat separate from the academic concerns of your Director of Studies and is able to offer an alternative perspective. The Selwyn Tutors are experienced in helping out with the sorts of difficulties you are likely to encounter and are also adept at dealing with the sometimes confusing University bureaucracy. Your Tutor will take a real and sustained interest in all that you do in Cambridge, from the day you join the College to the day you graduate and beyond. In addition to the Tutors we have a Chaplain whose role is to provide pastoral support to all of the College community, regardless of any particular religious beliefs. All of the College staff are concerned about your welfare and will be happy to help when they can.

Yoyo the dog

The above picture shows YoYo, the college dog, who welcomes students to first-year suppers in the Master’s Lodge and is a firm favourite with many students.